NWPC participates in the life of its local communities and contributes significantly to the social and economic development of its footprint region.
Each year, NWPC signs a Social and Economic Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the Kirovsk administration. Under this agreement, the Company supports social initiatives in Apatity, Kirovsk and Koashva, investing in socially important regional projects and promoting several charity programmes.
NWPC helps resolve social issues in the region by creating new jobs, paying taxes in a timely manner, investing in the region’s social infrastructure, and improving the quality of life of its employees and their families. NWPC allocates most the cooperation agreement funds to support educational institutions and to maintain and repair city properties. In 2020, the Company invested nearly RUB 130 million in social and economic development in the region.
NWPC focuses on protecting its employees’ health and promoting healthy lifestyle. The Company provides its employees with opportunities to use athletic facilities in its footprint area and to obtain healthcare services at Russia’s best resorts.
NWPC pays special attention to its human resource policy, which includes creating a welcoming work environment and helping employees unlock their potential. Each NWPC employee has the opportunity to grow as a professional and can count on career development and compensation based on their level of expertise and personal contribution to the Company’s development. The collective agreement provides for various social payments to NWPC employees, a voluntary medical insurance programme, and meal allowances.