Oleniy Ruchey Mine

The Oleniy Ruchey mine is an important investment project implemented by NWPC. The mine is located at the Oleniy Ruchey deposit in the southeast part of the Khibiny Massif and is genetically linked with all the Khibiny apatite-nepheline ore deposits.

This large-scale project includes development of an open pit and an underground mine.

543 ha
site area including processing plant

The Oleniy Ruchey mine currently has a capacity of 1.3 mtpa of apatite concentrate, with plans to expand capacity to 2.0 mtpa. Between 2013 and 2023, NWPC has produced 51.9 million tonnes of ore and 12.0 million tonnes of apatite concentrate.

Construction of the mine’s infrastructure started in late 2008. In 2012, the open pit was put into operation and construction of the first stage of the processing facility and infrastructure was completed.

In 2013, NWPC started shipping apatite concentrate to Acron Group’s Russian chemical production facilities and third parties. In 2014, NWPC launched several main and auxiliary facilities, including the assembly and storage yard, equipment and material warehouse, fuel station, administrative buildings, boiler, and fuel-oil warehouse.

In 2018, NWPC started extracting ore from the underground mine.

50 km
new railway branch line connecting the mine site and the main railway line put into operation in 2018

Today, NWPC provides all required phosphate inputs to Aron Group’s production facilities.

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